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Returning the completed assessment form to Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. At the end of the placement, the completed assessment form must be uploaded to the Hub site drop box. All assessment forms must be uploaded to the Hub site dropbox within five working days from the last day of placement. Note: We require all completed assessment forms to be returned in a timely manner to ensure that you are processed at the relevant Board of Examiners (this is particularly important for semester 2). Section 1  To be completed by the student. i) Pre-placement planning. Use this space to highlight your personal strengths and areas for development. Use a range of previous learning to inform your thoughts. Complete this before you attend placement and discuss with your Practice Educator(s) Strengths: Areas for improvement  Students signature _________________________________________ Date_____________ Practice Educator s/s Signature/s_________________________________Date_____________ Section 2  to be completed by student Mid-way evaluation. Use this space to record the feedback you receive from your Practice Educator midway through the placement. Outline your plan for the rest of the placement. Discuss and agree this with your Practice Educator. My understanding of mid-way feedback  strengths, areas for improvement My priorities to be addressed in second half of the placement  Students signature _________________________________________ Date_____________ Practice Educator s/s Signature/s_________________________________Date_____________ ii) End of placement review. Use this space to reflect on your learning throughout the placement and to identify and review your strengths, areas for development. You may wish to show this to your practice educator, but this is not essential. You should also complete the Hub based placement feedback form. Reflection on my learning: Review and identification of areas for development:  Students signature ______________________________________________________ Date_____________ Note for all Practice educators: Practice educators (PEs) to complete section 3 in this feedback form for each student during their respective placement. There should be opportunities to discuss written feedback and feeding forward at the midway point and on completion of the placement. Verbal feedback throughout placement is encouraged from the earliest opportunity. While it is preferable for students to have one designated PE, if there are multiple PEs inputting into this feedback portfolio please add initials to comments. This form can be completed online or as a hardcopy, if a hardcopy please increase space for practice educators to add hand written comments before printing. NB learning outcome 6 can only be completed if the student has had the opportunity to administer local anaesthetic and/or carry out nail surgery. Contacts on PlacementRole NameContactClinical studies 3 Module leader Neil Pomfretnpomfret@qmu.ac.uk 0131 474 0000 (say name when prompted) Student s PAT/QMU Point of Contact (student to add relevant details and email address) 0131 474 0000 (say name when prompted) Section 3  to be completed by the Practice Educator and discussed with the Student Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate expertise and a proactive approach to gathering a comprehensive and relevant case history In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvement1.1 Demonstrate expertise in gathering a comprehensive and relevant case history Mid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the patients medical conditionsMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the patients medicationsMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments Learning outcome 2: Examine and evaluate relevant function in the lower limb, consider reliability, validity and implications of assessment findings to practice In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvement2.1 Examine and evaluate relevant function in the lower limb using appropriate assessments for the presenting complaintMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 2.2 Were assessment(s) carried out appropriately and precisely?Mid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 2.3 Discuss findings of assessments and implications of these to practiceMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments Learning outcome 3: Investigate, diagnose, select and evaluate appropriate podiatric management and care plans for patients In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvement3.1 Investigate and diagnose possible pathologies and discuss the process of differentiation and associated aetiology of the patient s pathologies.Mid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 3.2 Select and evaluate appropriate podiatric management and care plans for patient s pathology and individual requirements and patient goals/personal outcomesMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments Learning outcome 4: Demonstrate safe, appropriate and effective psychomotor skills to reduce and debride all soft tissue lesions, and nail pathologies with which  high risk patients may present In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvement4.1 Demonstrate safe, appropriate and effective psychomotor skills including the reduction of soft lesions, ulcerations and nail pathologiesMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments  Learning outcome 5: Professionalism and infection Control - Conduct risk assessment appropriate to clinical practice, relating this to relevant Infection Control Policy and Health and Safety Policy In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvement5.1 Infection control  the student is able to apply relevant infection control procedures which underpin safe clinical practice.Mid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 5.2 Demonstrate professionalism in all areas of practice including; attendance, timekeeping, appearance, communication, empathy and behaviour.Mid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments 5.3 Consider and apply medicolegal policy to the treatment of the patient in the clinical setting  eg confidentiality, consent, record keepingMid-way feedback comments Final feedback comments  The following section (learning outcome 6) may not be able to be completed on this placement. Please complete and feedback to the student only if they had the opportunity to undertake any of these learning outcomes for example, administering LA or undertaking nail surgery procedures. When completing the feedback for learning outcome 6 (nail surgery) please use the following key to indicate student performanceOObserved AAssisted in the procedure S-PSPerformed key components of the procedure whilst being supervised by a scrubbed podiatrist S-PUPerformed the procedure from start to finish with podiatrist unscrubbed Learning outcome 6: Undertake comprehensive pre-surgical screening; and select the appropriate procedure for the nail pathology encountered In the comments sections please comment on areas of good practice and on areas for improvementCompleted (tick and initial as appropriate)OAS-PSS-PU6.1 Undertake appropriate comprehensive pre surgical screening assessments and discuss appropriate procedure for the presenting nail pathology taking into consideration the pre screening assessmentsComments 6.2 Based on the clinical findings gain informed consent from the patient Comments 6.3 Administer local anaesthetic safely and effectively taking into consideration relative and absolute contraindications of LA, accurately calculate MSD and dosage administered The student should also demonstrate an understanding of potential adverse events and how to manage safely i.e. anaphylaxis and toxic reaction.Comments 6.4 Undertake nail surgery including the preparation and management of patients, setting up surgical equipment, application of the tourniquet, removal of nail and application of phenol.Comments 6.5 Provide appropriate post-surgical adviceComments  Support for Practice Educators QMU has a dedicated website for the support of practice educators -  HYPERLINK "http://www.qmu.ac.uk/pbl/"http://www.qmu.ac.uk/pbl/. You may also contact the Module leader, Personal Academic Tutor (PAT)/QMU point of contact indicated on the front of this form if you have any questions. Guidance if the Practice Educator feels that a student is failing a placement (important for semester 2 when the placement is assessed and graded pass/fail) By mid-placement review, at the latest, if the PE is concerned that the student is not making satisfactory progress towards achieving any of the outcomes for the placement, the student needs to be informed that they are currently  failing the placement. The word  fail must be clearly used in this discussion and the attributes / knowledge gaps where the student is not passing must be clearly indicated to the student. Examples should be given. At this point, if not before, the PE must contact Queen Margaret University by either phoning or emailing Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) named on the front of the assessment form. A discussion will then ensue between the PAT and the PE to decide the most appropriate form of action to ensure support for both student and PE. The following process for dealing with the failing student should be followed: " Inform the student as soon as possible if their performance is causing concern. " Inform the PAT as soon as possible if the student s performance is causing concern. " Ensure the student receives timely, clear, honest, non-judgemental feedback which focuses on the key areas causing concern and how these may be addressed during the remaining placement time. " Review the student s feedback ensuring that they have clearly documented the areas of concern and the extent on the shortfall of their performance. Both student and PE must sign this. " Schedule weekly feedback sessions (more frequently if possible) indicating progress on the set goals using the cause for concern form Appendix 1. " Encourage the student to use reflection as much as possible to allow them to assess their own performance  giving some focus to where things go well as well as those where performance has not been satisfactory. " Keep in touch with the PAT; contact to feedback on progress and to discuss future plans. " If at the final assessment the student has not been able to retrieve their performance, ensure that verbal and written comments leave the student with a clear picture of where their performance did not meet expected levels. If felt appropriate the PAT (or alternate) can also be present at this discussion. " Students should be encouraged to talk with the personal academic tutors at the earliest opportunity. Appendix 1 Supervisor and Assessor Reporting Proforma The following proforma should be completed by a supervisor or assessor who has concerns about student performance levels in any of the domains of clinical practice. After completion, the individual will notify the module coordinator or PAT who will arrange a meeting to discuss their concerns and explore possible actions. Supervisor / Assessor Name  Supervisor / Assessor Location  Student Name Please give outline of areas of concern: Date Reported to Lecturer Meeting Arranged For Meeting Outcome / Actions Agreed  C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE 10 C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE  C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE 10 C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE 12 C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE  C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE 12 C3141 Student Feedback Portfolio  Formative  PAGE 15 (,HLNPRz~2 " D V zbzz^^^^^[^^J5^J/B*phCJ(@65KHPJnH aJ(OJQJ,B*phCJ4@5KHPJnH aJ4OJQJ4B*phCJ4@sH sH 5KHPJnH aJ4OJQJ4B*phCJH@sH sH 5KHPJnH aJ4OJQJCJaJCJaJOJQJ CJ5aJ<:B*phCJ@sH sH 65PJnH aJ]\OJQJ Uj#V  " 4 . 2  6J HLNPRTVXZ\^"VZ\^`bdfhj 5PJ^JCJ5^JaJ5^J OJ QJ 5^J^JY@DFHJLNVZhlnprtvxz|~4:||h l !!""""## #$#f######@$$$$$$%%%% % %%%%%&j'n'(5PJ^JaJ56CJ6^JaJ 65^J6^J CJ^JaJ5^J^JS((F(J(L(z(~(((()2)6)8)f)j)l)n)))****F*J*L*N*P*+P,T,B-F-x-|-~------2.6.h.l.n...4/8/j/n/p//////0^1b12222222233>4444446778"888888888865ʴ5>*>*ژ8888888888888*9<:>::;<<8<<<><l<p<r<z<<========>>?"?T?Z??????@@AFHHIII I$I.I8I*^JU6affFgiii jjjjjPjTjVjXjZjrjvjxjzjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkk k"kJkNkPkRkkkkkkkkkkkk llll l"llllllmm&m(m,m.mmmmmmm(n*n6n8n:nnnnnnn4o6oBoDoHoJoXo jU^J5^J5_*,JLNPR|~P$$If0 " p44l44l4f4 $Ifdd$If$dd & F$a$$a$ NR$$If0 " p44l44l4f4 $IfddP$$If0 " p44l44l4f44 qYAdd$a$,$d%d&d'ddd$a$,$d%d&d'ddd$a$,$d%d&d'ddd$a$,$d%d&d'dP$$If0 " p44l44l4f4 $Ifdd $ " 0 2   dd$a$,$d%d&d'd  $If^]` JLNPRTVXZ<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $If$IfZ\^ome]U^]`^]`^]`<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $Ifdh $Ifdh<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 XZ\^`bdfhj<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $If$If $If^]`^]`^]`BDF_W^]`<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $Ifdh $Ifdh<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $If$If FHJLPjl<$$If"n  p 44l44l4f4 $If$If^h]`^]`lnprtvxz|~68a:$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $Ifdh $Ifdh<$$If"  p 44l44l4f4 $If$If 8:~j l !!""""##rr $Ifdd:$$IfQ   p 44l44l4f4$Ifdd$a$$a$ #"#$#h#####f$$IfFK " p44l44l4f4 $Ifdd##B$$$$ $Ifddf$$IfFK " p44l44l4f4$$$%%%%% % %th\ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ f$$IfFK " p44l44l4f4 %%%%%&l'}q $If1$ $If1$P$$If0/8 p44l44l4f4 $If$a$ $If1$ $If1$l'n'((H(J(}qe $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If<$$If  p 44l44l4f4J(L(|(~((((e[ $If:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4()4)6)8)h)j)l)ocWK $If1$ $If1$ $If1$<$$IfK  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4l)n)))***sg[ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If:$$If  p 44l44l4f4**H*J*L*N*P*+YM $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4+R,T,D-F-z-|-og[ $If1$$If1$<$$Ifl  p 44l44l4f4 $If<$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$|-~----4.ua$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f44.6.j.l.n...uma $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4..6/8/l/n/uma $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4n/p//////0YM $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f40`1b122222kc[O $If1$$If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If222222@4mY$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4@4B4v4x4z4|44444maWWW $If $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 44444F677 8s_$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If 8"8V8X8Z8\8888maWO$If1$ $If $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f488888888888|pdX $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ 8888888@::~~ $If:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$ $If1$:;<<:<<<uma $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4<<><n<p<r<=q]$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4=======ui] $If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4== ?"?V?X?uma $If1$$If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4$If & Fd1$A$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4X?Z????????AAigec:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 $If1$$If1$ $If1$:$$If  p 44l44l4f4 ABBBDD D"EVP$$If08& p44l44l4f4 $Ifdd:$$Ifb  p 44l44l4f4$Ifdd$a$"E$E.EEEEFPP$$If08& p44l44l4f4 $IfddP$$If08& p44l44l4f4FFHHIII"I>R$$If0s `u p44l44l4f4$Ifdd$a$ $IfddP$$If08& p44l44l4f4"I&I0I:Immmmmmmmmm"$&(n@nBn  BnDnFnHnJnnnnnnnnnnnnn.o0o2o4oLoNoPoRo  RoToVoXoZo8. 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